This is theft, unlawful seizure inextricably linked to multiple raids, arrests, tortures etc. I don't understand how anybody having principles other than "I hate Watchtower" can glorify it.
I feel the same way but one has to remember that much of what is happening to them because they refuse to comply by the law of the land. It's my understanding that the JW's weren't the only religion singled out but other groups like the LDS/Mormons complied with the government and continue to operate much as the always did while JW's are having their properties confiscated and enjoying playing the martyr card.
In the past, the Governing Body caused unnecessary hardship beatings and even the death of their followers by taking what they called "A Stand" for Jehovah over the purchasing political cards and refusing alternative options to national draft requirements while they themselves lived safely in the lap of luxury back in New York. They told a one sided skewed version of the story to their followers to make themselves look like courageous martyrs.